The enterprising global steel trader who goes beyond the business boundaries to the world.


T-I-M imports, exports and engages in intermediary trade of steel around the world by sourcing various steel products such as flat
products (HR/CR/Coated/Stainless) and long products (HB/SP/CN/AG/Bar/Pipe).

T-I-M not only ensures stable supply of high-quality steel products from Korean steelmakers through long-term contracts with leading customers, but also expands market places by leveraging integrated service function such as sales activities connected to our global
sourcing and sales network. We also provide diverse steel products from top quality mills in the world for our customers in a timely
manner to contribute to the industrial development of several countries.

Furthermore, we can supply tailored materials through several coil centers in Korea to overseas users, involve manufacturing local
customers, conduct third to third county trading thereof for our clients’ satisfaction.

Therefore, we have been grown consistently with our experience that has contributed to stronger profitability and successful
operation. We have continued our devoting efforts by enhancing our quality control process.